I came across
this blog post that details how to write a self-reproducing program, and implements the same in Java. So I set out to write a python version:
def A(): B("def B(desc): print 'def A(): B(' + chr(34) + desc + chr(34) + ')'; print desc")
def B(desc): print 'def A(): B(' + chr(34) + desc + chr(34) + ')'; print desc
So to test this this, save the above code in a file selfrep.py. Then fire up the interpreter and type the following:
Python 2.6 (r26:66721, Oct 2 2008, 11:35:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import selfrep
>>> selfrep.A()
def A(): B("def B(desc): print 'def A(): B(' + chr(34) + desc + chr(34) + ')'; print desc")
def B(desc): print 'def A(): B(' + chr(34) + desc + chr(34) + ')'; print desc
Voila! The output of the program is exactly the same as its source code. Note though, that this is not a complete program that can be run via the interpreter but a module that needs to be imported and then called.